All this started with the following post on the POA posted 12-19-2001 06:04 PM .  I decided I would play around with Cliff and pump this image into his head. I figured I would tease Cliff and see if he would bite.

As you will see, he did bite and hard!!


POA post


SuperDan starts it off with a GIF Animation (Take 1)


From Here All MacroMedia War Broke Out.
BatCliff then came back with this posted 12-26-2001 05:16 PM. He decided to flex his multimedia muscle and show me a thing or two. He went ahead and raised the bar on animation by coming back with both a gif and Macromedia flash presentation.


BatCliffs ComeBack Flash Animation  (Take 2)



SuperDan then cames back with this thread. SuperDan never lets down when challenged. SuperDan figured he would take it slow to see how far BatCliff can go. I decided I would just do followups to his comebacks and everytime raise the bar on complexing just ever so slightly.


POA post


SuperDans ComeBack Flash Animation    (Take 3)



Then Batcliff cames back with this. It appears BatCliff decided he would not hold back and come out with a 3meg Flash animation in where he goes for the KILL. He uses Supermans weakness which is kryptonite. It was a deadly scene.. so it seemed.  WARNING: Dialup users, beware, this clip will take approximatley 10 minutes to download.


It is a 3 Meg Macromedia Flash file.


BatCliffs ComeBack Flash Animation   (Take 4)



SuperDan then did a follow up movie comeback SuperDan would not stand by and take the fact that he was destroyed. SuperDan had allies that were watching and he called out for them. Check and see how he gets out of BatCliffs evil plan to detroy SuperDan.  WARNING: Dialup users, beware, this clip will take approximatley 5 minutes to download.


It is a 900 K Macromedia Flash file.


POA post


SuperDans ComeBack Flash Animation    (Take 5)



Then Cliff Came Back with this posted 01-19-2002 12:18 AM. BatCliff really goes for the BIG ONE and flexes his multimedia skills yet one more time. He decides to show that his Batsuit is no longer affected by SuperDans laser eyes. HHHUUUUMMM...???  WARNING: Dialup users, beware, this clip will take approximatley 5 minutes to download.


It is a 900K Macromedia Flash file.


POA post


BatCliffs ComeBack Flash Animation   (Take 6)


SuperDan decides to let it all go and come up with the BIG BANG to finish off BatCliff... Here he shows a little more power of what is about to hit the POA screens across America...


SuperDans ComeBack Flash Animation   (Take 7)


We now await for  SuperDan's comback clip and he has committed to bringing it to the POA theaters
February 2th 2002...
Some side shots before SuperDan and BatCliff came about...


Here is dpena showing Cliff that he knows Flash ...


Here is dpena beginning to introduce himself as SuperDan..


Here dpena flexing his gif/Flash animation skills and morphes Cliff into insanity..

Cliff going insane at work


Cliff Watsons share of  multimedia muscle..



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